Welcome to ag百家乐 Counseling Services


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Diversity Statement

The ag百家乐 Counseling Center is committed to creating a safe, welcoming, and affirming environment for all. This includes students who access our services as well as all individuals who are part of our University community. We recognize that each individual is unique while at the same time living within larger diverse communities.

We strive to make the ag百家乐 Counseling Services a safe place where individuals can strengthen their self-acceptance, confidence, and comfort with their own individual identities.


Outreach Workshops

Programs are planned by the Counseling Services Office each semester.  These programs are advertised campus-wide. 

A range of issues that Counseling Services may be helpful with include:

  • conflict resolution
  • problem solving
  • feeling stressed out or anxious
  • difficulty adjusting
  • have something you've never told anyone but feel you should
  • received counseling in the past and considering services again
  • binge drink or use drugs
  • eating too much or too little
  • feel as though you can’t go on
  • relationship issues

Students often find comfort and assistance when talking with a ag百家乐 faculty or staff. Having a listening ear and providing support can be essential in helping a student. There are also times when it’s more appropriate to encourage a student to seek services from a licensed mental health professional. If you are unsure how to respond to a student, you can consult with the ag百家乐 Counselor by calling the office number: (870) 460-1554.

In general, it’s a good idea to refer a student to counseling when:

  • The student is using an ineffective and potentially self-destructive coping strategy to manage with problems (i.e. excessive alcohol or drug use, withdrawing from others, suicidal thoughts)
  • The problem the student is experiencing has been on-going for an extended period of time without relief and student’s attempts to resolve it have been unsuccessful
  • Student appears stuck in an overwhelmed or panicked state.
  • Support from yourself and/or others have not adequately alleviated the student’s problem.

How to refer a student to counseling:

  • Remind the student that counseling services are at no costs to currently enrolled students.
  • Reassure the student that recognizing a problem and reaching out for help are signs of maturity and strength, not weakness.
  • Allow the student to use your phone to make the phone call with the counseling center and stay with the student during the initial contact; or, you may offer them the opportunity to make the call privately.
  • Offer to walk the student over to the ag百家乐 Counseling Center.
  • Communicate your positive feelings about the student’s decision to seek counseling.

Signs of Emotional Distress:

  • Frequently missing class or arriving late
  • Complaints of inability to concentrate or focus even with small tasks
  • Difficulty retaining information or remembering material
  • Apathy, chronic fatigue, consistently falling asleep in class
  • Drastic changes in their moods, behaviors, personal appearances, and neglect to hygiene
  • Dramatic shifts in quality of performance or academic tasks
  • Social behavior changes that may include withdrawal, inability to sit still, emotional outbursts
  • References to death, suicidal statements or allusions
  • Reporting a recent life crisis, such as a death in the family, divorce or relationship changes, legal issues, job loss, or serious illness
  • Somatic complaints (i.e. stomach aches, headaches, or frequent illnesses)

How to approach a student in distress:

  • You may choose to approach the student rather than waiting for the student to ask for help themselves. If so, ask the student to wait after class to talk in private. You can also ask the student to drop by your office or make an appointment.
  • Once in a private setting, express your concern with the student and share what you have observed in the student’s recent behavior.
  • If the student discloses a problem, try to allow the student to discuss it openly. Your concern can be conveyed by listening in a calm, accepting, and non-judgmental manner. If you do not feel comfortable with the discussion, you can:
    • Support the student and suggest they talk with a counselor.
    • You can then give the student the counselor’s information (i.e. office location, office number, and email).
    • Offer to walk them over to the Counseling Center.
  • Sometimes a student will not want to discuss a problem. In this case, you can simply share your concern and inform the student about available counseling services in the ag百家乐 Counseling Center. Remember, you cannot help someone who is not ready to be helped.

Contact Us

Person of Concern Report

Counseling Services

Office of Counseling Services
P.O. Box 3459
Monticello, AR 71655

Gibson University Center (UC), Suite 201
870-460-1554 or 870-460-1654

Mainline Behavioral Health Services

Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30PM

Gibson University Center (UC), Suite 201