Outreach Workshops
Programs are planned by the Counseling Services Office each semester. These programs are advertised campus-wide.
A range of issues that Counseling Services may be helpful with include:
- conflict resolution
- problem solving
- feeling stressed out or anxious
- difficulty adjusting
- have something you've never told anyone but feel you should
- received counseling in the past and considering services again
- binge drink or use drugs
- eating too much or too little
- feel as though you can’t go on
- relationship issues
Students often find comfort and assistance when talking with a ag百家乐 faculty or staff. Having a listening ear and providing support can be essential in helping a student. There are also times when it’s more appropriate to encourage a student to seek services from a licensed mental health professional. If you are unsure how to respond to a student, you can consult with the ag百家乐 Counselor by calling the office number: (870) 460-1554.
In general, it’s a good idea to refer a student to counseling when:
How to refer a student to counseling:
Signs of Emotional Distress:
How to approach a student in distress: