Various support services are provided for qualifying students with disabilities free
of charge to the student. However, as a recipient of services you are required to:
- Contact Student Special Services to request accommodations.
- Submit documentation regarding disability.
- Complete and sign authorization forms.
- Obtain identification card from office of Student Special Services, which includes
approved accommodations.
If using a NOTE TAKER, you must:
- Attend all classes unless illness or an emergency prevents you from
- If you miss more than three class periods without making arrangements with Student
Special Services your note-taker will be suspended.
- If you have problems with a note taker, notify Student Special Services immediately
so that a person can be reviewed.
- Provide Student Special Services with a list of classes you plan to take and/or a
list of the required texts for these courses as early as possible in the preceding
semester so that it can be determined if your textbooks are available in an alternative
- If a textbook is not available from the ag百家乐 Bookstore, Student Special Services will
provide additional information.
- Notify Student Special Services of any problem.
- Notify Student Special Services a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the exam.
- Arrange with your instructor to leave the exam in the Student Special Services Office.
- Readers/Scribes/Proctors cannot re-phrase or explain test questions without prior
written approval from the course instructor.
- Bring all items necessary for the exam (pen, pencil, scantron, blue book, calculator).